As we told you last week on Twitter ( @befblogger ), this week we were going to show our first DIY (Do It Yourself) and promised it would be surprising and ideal. Well... today is the day! Inspired by Miu Miu glitter sneakers, we wanted to transform a simple white sneakers in a very chic shoes that could complete any simple outfit.
Miu Miu
¿Qué necesitas? / What do you need?
Zapatillas de tela tipo Converse (las nuestras son de Primark)
Cinta de carrocero o adhesiva
Pegamento o cola blanca
“Glitter” o purpurina dorada o de los colores que más te gusten
Pegamento extra fuerte tipo Super Glue
Pequeños brillantes ya sean sueltos o stickers.
Pegamento o cola blanca
“Glitter” o purpurina dorada o de los colores que más te gusten
Pegamento extra fuerte tipo Super Glue
Pequeños brillantes ya sean sueltos o stickers.
Canvas sneakers (ours are from Primark)
Painter's tape
Fabric glue
Gold glitter
Super glue
Small "diamond" stickers
Painter's tape
Fabric glue
Gold glitter
Super glue
Small "diamond" stickers
¿Cómo hacerlo? / Steps
Antes de empezar prepara y protege la zona donde vas a hacer el DIY, si no quieres tener purpurina por todo tu cuarto durante varios días ;)
Before starting you can prepare and protect the area where you will do the DIY, if you do not want to have glitter all over your room for a days ;)
1. Quita los cordones de tus sneakers para poder trabajar mejor con ellas y, a continuación, con la cinta de carrocero o adhesiva protege toda la puntera y las partes laterales de la suela.
1. Remove the laces from your sneakers to work better with them, then protect all the sides of the sole with adhesive tape.
Before starting you can prepare and protect the area where you will do the DIY, if you do not want to have glitter all over your room for a days ;)
1. Quita los cordones de tus sneakers para poder trabajar mejor con ellas y, a continuación, con la cinta de carrocero o adhesiva protege toda la puntera y las partes laterales de la suela.
1. Remove the laces from your sneakers to work better with them, then protect all the sides of the sole with adhesive tape.
2. En un recipiente echa la cola blanca junto con la purpurina y mézclalo hasta que la purpurina se haya integrado perfectamente en el pegamento.
2. Put white glue with glitter in a bowl and mix them up together until the glitter is seamlessly integrated into the glue.
2. Put white glue with glitter in a bowl and mix them up together until the glitter is seamlessly integrated into the glue.
3. Con un pincel, extiende la mezcla de cola y purpurina por la zapatilla. Te aconsejamos ir por partes y poco a poco para que queden bien cubiertas todas las zonas. Aun así, probablemente tengas que repetir el proceso dos veces para que la purpurina se quede bien fijada a la zapatilla y no haya huecos.
3. With a brush, apply the mixture of glue and glitter on the sneaker. We advise you to go step by step and gradually so that all areas are well covered. Even so, you probably will have to repeat the process twice to get the glitter to stay firmly attached to the shoe and without gaps.
3. With a brush, apply the mixture of glue and glitter on the sneaker. We advise you to go step by step and gradually so that all areas are well covered. Even so, you probably will have to repeat the process twice to get the glitter to stay firmly attached to the shoe and without gaps.
4. Una vez cubiertas completamente, déjalas secar durante unas dos horas. A continuación, despega toda la cinta de carrocero con mucho cuidado.
4. When they are completely covered, let them dry for about two hours. Then take off all the tape carefully.
5. Por último, aplica el pegamento en la puntera y coloca uno a uno los brillantes haciendo la forma que más te guste. Si te ayudas con el pincel conseguirás fijarlos más.
5. Finally, apply the glue on the toecap and placed one by one the stickers making the shape that you like. If you use a brush maybe will be more easy and you will paste them better.
Ahora pon tus cordones y listo! Ya puedes estrenar tus nuevas glitter sneakers!
Now put your laces again and it is all ready! You can use for first time your new glitter sneakers!
Unos simples pasos y unas zapatillas diferentes con un toque chic, con las que podréis crear unos outfits como estos:
A few simple steps and a different sneakers very chic, with which you can combine your clothes to create some looks like these:
Mañana, nuevo post en el que podréis ver estos dos looks con nuestras glitter sneakers! Os esperamos!
Tomorrow, new post in which you will see our glitter sneaker outfits! We will be waiting to you!
me encantan chicas!!! yo si me las hago en negro!!! son super chuuliss!!!