Lo primero que debemos de tener en cuenta es que para llevar un tocado, un sombrero, una pamela o cualquier complemento en la cabeza, debemos sentirnos cómodas porque así parecerá que lo llevamos con naturalidad. Debe de ser de nuestro estilo y estar acorde con nuestra personalidad. Siempre he pensado que la incomodidad se refleja en la cara y, en una celebración, debemos estar guapas pero también cómodas y a gusto con nosotras mismas.
En las bodas de mañana, las invitadas pueden combinar sus vestidos de día tanto con sombreros y pamelas como con tocados, elige aquél modelo con el que te veas más favorecida y atractiva.
Para las bodas de tarde quedan totalmente descartados los sombreros y pamelas que se sustituyen por tocados más discretos con líneas suaves y sencillas
Y, para la noche, es aconsejable decantarse por otro tipos de adornos como bonitos broches, diademas u horquillas brillantes.
También, los materiales y tejidos de los tocados varían en función de la época del año. En invierno se utiliza terciopelo, organza o fieltros que aportan sensación de calidez y, por el contrario, para bodas primaverales y veraniegas son más comunes texturas ligeras como la rafia o encajes.
Headdresses are these supplements that can turn a simple look in a glamorous and elegant look. We would be lying if we do not say it is a difficult accessory to combine, so today we want to show you some clues that you may know how to wear it.
The first thing to consider is that we should feel comfortable wearing a headdress, a hat, or any supplements. It must be our style and be consistent with our personality. I always thought that the discomfort is reflected in our face, so in a celebration, we must be beautiful but also comfortable with ourselves.
It is also important to know the rules of protocol regarding outfits for weddings :
For morning weddings, the guests can combine their day dresses with brimmed hats and headdresses. Choose that model that you see most favored and attractive.
For afternoon weddings are completely discarded brimmed hats and headdresses, so that can be replaced by something more discreet with smooth lines and simple.
And for evening weddings, it is advisable to opt for other types of ornaments like pretty brooches, headbands or brightly forks.
Also, the materials vary depending on the time of year. In winter is used velvet, organza or felt, that bring warm feeling. Conversely, for spring and summer weddings are more common light textures like raffia or lace.
Supongamos que ya estamos decididas para utilizar un tocado. Ahora debemos encontrar un modelo de tocado que concuerde con el tipo de vestido que lucirás en la ceremonia; por ejemplo, si tu vestido es sencillo y sin demasiados adornos entonces puedes dejar que el tocado sea el protagonista de tu atuendo, pero si es un vestido con brillos o pedrería será mejor optar por un tocado más discreto. Recuerda que la regla 'menos es más' cobra importancia en tu estilo para acudir a una boda.
Suppose we are already decided to use a headdress. Now we must find a headdress model that it matches the type of dress you will wear in the ceremony; for example, if your dress is simple without too many frills, then you can let the headdress is the star of your outfit , but if is a dress with glitter or rhinestones will be better to opt for a more discreet touched. Remember the rule ' less is more '.
If you have questions when it comes to choosing the color of the headdress, thinks it has no need to be the same color as the dress , you can afford to innovate and achieve a stunning look with other colors that match your shoes and handbag. Still, you should know that lighter headdress is better for brown hair women, unlike that blondes are more beautiful with headdresses in dark and rich colors.
When you have an idea to wear a headdress, appear always the same question, how you do your hair for the occasion and what hairstyles work well. Well, any model touched often look better with a beautiful or little gathered but, equally , women can wear short hair with loose hair. Of course, as headbands and turbans ornaments will make you look more elegant and sexy with loose hair.
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